Our inclusion support is designed to be accessible, relevant and condensed. It means that Leaders under pressure can come to one place and find what they need.
When we are under pressure it is normal for our thinking to constrict. For Leaders and Senior D&I Professionals this lack of mental oxygen has the potential to compromise their ability to access diverse and sometimes divergent views. This can affect the quality of decision-making and the actions that flow from it.
We have created reasons to pause – if only for a moment – so that leaders have the space to speak with one another, gain expert D&I advice, be supported to weigh up their options and then move to action in a more inclusive way.
A curated collection of the best writing, videos and podcasts relating to Inclusion Under Pressure. It will provide Leaders and senior D&I professionals with a shortcut to the materials that will be of most use to them. And they will all be in one place.
The collection will build over time, as well as featuring a spotlight section so you can fast-track to the latest material.
Click here to access the resource collection.

In extraordinary times, circumstances evolve at pace and no single organisation can possibly have all the answers. Senior people face considerable expectations, complexity and challenge; that’s the job but it can be isolating.
The Virtual Inclusion Exchanges (VIEs) are designed to bring together small groups of Leaders or Senior D&I Professionals for candid, confidential discussions about what people are experiencing, their live issues and to share examples of what is working well for them. The sessions will tap into the collective brain to distil practical insights about inclusion under pressure, whilst also providing a safe space to be uncertain and supportive.
Each session will be expertly facilitated by one of our consultants, take place using Zoom technology, and last 60 mins. Some groups will run for a single session, others may choose to continue meeting.
The VIEs are free to participate in and you can register your interest here. Please let us know your role, organisation and what you would like to get out of the VIE.
Beyond our open access support, we are also able to provide a range of consultancy services to support Leaders and Senior D&I Professionals to meet the challenges of inclusion under pressure.
All of our consultancy is tailored to meet clients’ needs and will take into account any pressures businesses are experiencing due to financial hardship.
We are experienced in working virtually either using our clients’ preferred platforms such as BlueJeans and Webex, or our own Zoom facility. We also make use of online data gathering methods such as Survey Monkey.
The range of services includes:

Executive Team Coaching (1:1 or Team) to pause, breathe, step back and work through the complexity of their situation with expert support.
Facilitated Senior Team Meetings that will stimulate the decision-makers to actively work together on leading inclusively, rather than fracturing into siloes.
Inclusion Infrastructure Consultancy to help establish the systems and structures required for an inclusive environment to be effective – particularly when it is under pressure. Including:
Insight and diagnostics
o Strategy development
o Planning and resources
Governance, monitoring & evaluation
Virtual Development Sessions on the full range of Diversity and Inclusion topics – from modular Inclusive Leadership programmes, through to practical stand-alone sessions on topics like performance management, inclusive language and running effective network groups.
If you would like to find out more about any of our services – contact us here to set up an exploratory conversation with one of our consultants.